How often we end up shaming people for their looks- whether they are fair or tall or whether they are fat or having a zero figure. We end up sacrificing everything to be with a person who complies with these beauty standards. We never look into the fact that we might have totally different opinions about life as a whole, or the fact that we have virtually no intellectual matching.
All that matters these days is materialistic connections. Money, looks, power and nothing else. We end up getting inclined towards people who are good looking, irrespective of their intellectual capabilities or their hearts. We are ready to spend time with people who might have an evil heart, provided they are rich.
Look around yourselves, everything's fake. The car that you travel in, the malls that you go to, the salon that you visit, everything's fake.
I am not suggesting for once that you need to give up on these things. Just sort your priorities. Do you really want people in your life who can give you up for materialistic things? Or do you want people who will be there by your side whatsoever be the situation?
There are still people with true hearts. There are still people who will love to be in your life for who you are and not because of your materialistic stuff. These people are present day angels, trust me, and instead of abandoning them in order to preserve your societal status, treat them well and never lose them. Love them for who they are, fat, short or dark, thin, tall or fair.
Cause they are the ones who actually care about you.
Better to change one's own attitude first.